HTML Good, A Whole Bunch More To Go

Here's what I've done so far in the past couple of weeks:

Mimo Python: 100% Mimo Web Dev: 100% Mimo SQL: 25% SoloLearn HTML: 100% SoloLearn JavaScript: 65% SoloLearn CSS: 7% 35% Codecademy Full-stack Engineer: 6% Amazon Kindle JavaScript: The Definitive Guide : 8%

Codecademy says it will take 6 months to get through the Full-stack Engineer path, so we'll see. So far, I'm just enjoying learning the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The courses and reading above doesn't count the numerous hours of watching Pluralsight, Udemy and YouTube videos on related topics. I think I've probably spent 60 hours a week on focused learning.

But I've also gotten distracted and went off on some research sidetracks: MongoDB, Contentful, Wordpress (ugh), React, React Native, Firebase, Lit, Unity, NodeJS, three.js, Bash, Python, etc. I'll probably circle around, but I'm trying to focus on web dev fundamentals for now.